Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Forward!

Last night we put the clocks forward, I think that is like saying it's almost Spring? Considering that I am in Canada and the kind of weather I was expecting here, I am wondering what happened to Winter?

Don't get me wrong, there has been snow and occasionally lots of it, it hasn't stuck around for too long though, a couple of days, a week at most. From what I am reading on blogs, forums etc, it's been a pretty mild Winter everywhere this year. I'm hoping that doesn't mean a long hot Summer, I can give or take the higher temps, it's the humidity I don't like. In Charleston we can have high 80's with 100% humidity! That's just too much for me! Along with the heat comes the Mozzies (Mosquitoes) They tend to like me, at least they like my blood! Not sure why, but I can be in a big group of people and be the only one they feast on! I have tried all sorts of repellents, sprays, oils, battery operated things that attach to a belt, even the 'old wives tale' ones that say eating garlic etc will help. No, not so far, but I am open to suggestions :-)

So, to get back on track, today was a lovely sunny day here in Okotoks, Canada. Chris and Tina (the friends I am visiting here) are and have been 'Geo-cache' enthusiasts for quite a while. I had no idea what it was, but I was assured I would enjoy finding out. It was really a lot of fun! It's apparently popular all over the World! Just shows how informed I am huh? Anyway, we set off in the truck with a hand held GPS, a box of 'goodies' and the I phones. Chris had already planned which caches we were going to search for, there is a website that you can go too online, that lets you put in your zip code (GPS location) and you will get a list of caches in your search area. Chris came up with 5. We followed the clues to the first one, it was by a beautiful river, without the GPS coordinates it's probably a lot harder to find the Caches, and with it, it's a little too easy, but you still have to hunt the cache box down, once you are in exactly the right spot! It took a few minutes to find it, it was well hidden off the path and in the roots of a big tree, it was a small round box with duct tape around it, inside was a little book and some little trinket type items. Other people had found this cache previously and left items for others to find. Not everyone leaves something, but you can chose to remove an item, put something in, or just leave a note in the little booklet, to say you found it and write a few words to say if it was an easy find etc.

We carried on going to all 5 sites that Chris had chosen, we found 3 out of the 5, some were kind of easy, obviously 2 of them weren't, but it was good fun trying! I am thinking that this is something that Jay could really get into, it sounds ideal for people that travel in RVs or even if you don't. I can't believe I hadn't heard of it before. As always happens though, I googled 'Geo-caching' after we got back to the house and it was everywhere! Great fun though, definitely something I will educate Jay on :-)

I am still researching everything that I can find on Full time RVing, all the blogs I can find that are written by people already living the life, the forums that have members that answer all my questions, even before I ask them! Jay is still getting at least a dozen emails a day with links to 'the perfect RV' for us! I just want him to come home, so we can actually go inside some of them and see what will suit us both. At least we are past the halfway mark now (I hope) Jay should be home in about two  months, I can't wait for him to get home, it's going to be so much fun doing the research together and hopefully going to a couple of RV shows. The Diesel Pusher model is definitely the front runner for me and I think Jay is of the same opinion, it's the options, length, year built and price that we have to think about now. I know our rig is out there somewhere.
Keep checking back and follow our journey, we may find a few bumps along the way, but we will get there eventually :-)

1 comment:

  1. Kim,

    While I've never done geo-caching, it would seem to have one extra benefit. It makes one look at the "small things" that are around us. As a "serious, amateur" photographer, I remind people interested in photography to not just look at the "big picture," or panorama. If you do, you might miss seeing the little things that are also photogenic, such as small blooms or critters.
